This is the community supported rate.
For those with limited financial resources who will benefit from access supplemented by the community. Examples of how this might show up for you:
I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them
I sometimes help my family or origin or chosen family with $$ for basic living expenses
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
I am employed, I have access to health care
I rent my home or live with my family
I have moderate debt & budget my finances
I might have access to savings
I have some expendable income
I am able to buy some new items and thrift others
My parent(s) might not have graduated from college
This is the full rate.
For those with sufficient financial resources who can pay fair value for the experience. Examples of how this might show up for you:
Paying for this resource might require some budgeting, but it wouldn’t prevent me from meeting my basic needs
I own my home/property or rent a higher-end property
My friends and family could provide support in times of financial need or transitions
I can afford to take an annual vacation or take time off
I am employed and have an expendable income
I have some money in savings or retirement accounts
Most people in my family have at least a bachelor’s degree
This is the reparative rate.
For those who have financially benefited the most from the current system OR those who are willing to pay more in order to support others in need of teaching. Examples of how financial benefits might show up for you:
I own my home, and possibly multiple properties
Someone else paid or pays my rent/mortgage/down payment
I have savings, investments, and/or retirement accounts
I own or lease a luxury brand car or multiple cars
I have or will inherit significant wealth (six-figures or higher)
My education and/or experiences were paid for by my parents, grandparents, or other relatives/connections