A 95-page, full color collection of art, essays, questions and practices to dethrone whitemalegod and heal from white patriarchal religious conditioning.
It’s astounding how often I find myself publicly refuting that God is a white man while simultaneously struggling to embody that truth.
If I can proclaim that God is not a white man, then why do I still cling to false certainty and the “need to know”?
If I can proclaim that God is not a white man, then why do I still sometimes question my intrinsic goodness?
If I can proclaim that God is not a white man, then why do I still seek to control myself and others?
If I can proclaim that God is not a white man, then why are so many of my relationships still transactional?
If I can proclaim that God is not a white man, then why do I still hold myself to a standard of perfection?
If I can proclaim that God is not a white man, then why do I still carry so much fear and shame around my sexuality?
Integration is at the heart of liberation; we practice liberation when we align our post-colonial convictions with our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Simply saying that God is not a white man isn’t enough. In order to practice liberation from whitemalegod -- the patron of white patriarchy -- we must dethrone whitemalegod from our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. That’s what Not Today Colonizer is all about. This book isn’t about grading ourselves or holding ourselves to some ridiculous standard of perfection. It’s about choosing freedom by taking a deep and honest dive into the cracks and crevices of our lives, so that we can shine a light on and begin to uproot the lingering effects of systemic white patriarchy. Whitemalegod’s seemingly invisible action in our lives is what makes it so powerful. But we can take crucial steps on our journey of healing and liberation!